イチゴ ありがとう。 いい~くすりです。
MyTinyWorld Dolls Houseミニチュア手作りイチゴ【楽天海外直送】 - MyTinyWorld Dolls House Miniature Handmade Strawberry
MyTinyWorld Dolls House Miniature Handmade StrawberryLovely 1/12th scale strawberries, very life like with realistic colouring, a lovely dolls house item.Price is for 1 itemAdditional InformationAbout our Grocers: Our extensive range of fruit and vegetables are simply the best available. They are extremely realistic, correctly scaled and every single one is handmade. This item is handmade: Each item is individually handmade and in many cases hand finished and painted. These are produced by craftsmen and women in UK and in our facilities abroad.Material Information: Air Dried Clay; Man made organic substance. Normally has a base of flour and PVA glue. Very intricate designs can be made. Clay is worked then left to dry and set in position before hand finishing. Items made from this clay remain flexible. MyTinyWorld was established in 2007 and founded on the philosophy of providing high quality miniatures at affordable prices. We carry a range of over 14,000 products, the vast majority of which we design and make inhouse to our exacting standards ensuring that every product you buy from us feels special.Please note this item is a Dolls House Miniature TOY / Collectors Item and is at least 12 times smaller than real life Dimensions: 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.4 centimetres------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。
- 商品価格:1,994円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0
イチゴ 関連ツイート
@Kimagure_hero 2018/11/17 22:57
オススメされた冬期限定のイチゴのチョコレートを買ったんだけど微妙に違った( ´Д`)
@Mikan_Udn 2018/11/17 22:50
でもきっとこれも美味しいと思う https://t.co/K8jrSXkwDZ
@no_bu_a_ki 2018/11/17 22:54
今回はイチゴ牛乳にしようと思っていたのに、選択したのはコーヒー牛乳だった(^_^; https://t.co/XJcjtzRjZe
イチゴ おすすめサイト
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